The following are our published books. These books can be obtained from
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THIS latest work from Wulf Ingessunu is one of his very best and a slight departure from previous volumes in the sense that it also functions as a working manual for those who are new to the mystical ideas of Woden's Folk. This involves learning how to view the natural landscape in a radical new way and to unlock the hidden secrets of our folk heritage. At the same time, the book's central themes draw upon the Babylonian prophecies of Sajaha, a priestess at the court of King Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BCE), who predicted the rise of a great northern kingdom. The author relates this to the mysterious legends of the Black Sun and its significance to the Hyperboreans, Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks and even the Knights Templar. The book also includes a discussion of individual gods and goddesses, whilst exploring the power of ley- and spirit-lines and explaining how to locate them both on the map and through practical groundwork. Throughout the course of this new book, Wulf draws upon the writings of Aelfric Avery, Wilhelm Landig, Kenneth Grant, Dion Fortune, J.R.R. Tolkien, Nigel Pennick, Alfred Watkins, Howard Lovecraft and many others. A highly recommended work for all true seekers of the Northern path.

THIS exciting new volume from one of our most interesting and prolific authors contains a wealth of fresh material relating to the folkish beliefs and practices of the well-respected heathen group, Woden's Folk. It is divided into three parts. The first of these, The English Mysteries, begins by examining how English tribes established themselves in the British Isles long before the 'official' Anglo-Saxon invasion that court historians insist only began from the mid-fifth century onwards. Having laid the foundations for the basis of this Germanic nation, Wulf goes on to outline the unique and traditional mythos that forms the spiritual character of the English themselves. Chapters include The Sutton Hoo Mask, The Holy White Stone of Ing, The Mystery of Ing, The Long Man of Wilmington, The Wisdom of the Serpent, The Serpent-Folk of Eld-Time, Sacral Kingship, Graal Mysteries, The Way of the Immortals, The Cosmic War Between Light and Darkness, The White Blood Cells, The One-Eyed God of the English, The Son of Man, The Crucified God or Hanged God, The Blood of the Werewolf, The Green Man and the Death-Hunter, and the Elven-Kin. Part Two examines the Ar-Kan Runes in light of the author's continuing research and Part Three describes what is known as The Sun-Initiation. Wulf's unique insights into the Wodenist history of England are constantly evolving and this book contains the rich and varied fruits of his on-going research.

Wulf Ingessunu presents a collection of material written between 2014 and 2018. The word 'Inglinga' means 'Sons of Ing,' or 'Offspring of Ing,' and pertains to those of the Royal Lines of Sweden that were known as the Ynglingas. In a wider context, Ing himself is interpreted as the 'Divine Ancestor' of the English people. Elsewhere, the text deals with the runic-occult significance of the mysterious signs that point to the revival of the god Woden. In the words of the author himself, "the One-Eyed God laughs, mounts his eight-legged steed and rides once more in the Soul of the Germanic Folk. As his wolves and ravens feed from the dead slain in battle, his chosen warriors are taken by the Valkyries to Valhalla, where they train and feast, die and are resurrected, until the time comes to march out of Valhalla. Led by Woden and Ragnar Lodbrok, they march out to fight the Last Battle against the Joten Armies. Our people shall awaken when the Wild Hunt rides once more and The Terrible One arises in the Germanic Folk." Using etymology, symbolism and comparative religion, this work also discusses mythological archetypes and sacred numerology. Containing a vast wealth of knowledge and insight, from a man who has spent a lifetime studying the secrets of our spiritual heritage, this new volume is sure to attract a great deal of interest
THIS sixth title in our ever-popular series on the writings of the mystical English order, Woden's Folk, looks at the myths surrounding the lost continent of At-al-land. Located in the North Sea, or what Pliny referred to as the Septentrionalis Oceanus, this mysterious Indo-European landscape has long since disappeared beneath the unforgiving waves and taken with it much of the arcane knowledge of those who once traversed its ancient mountains, valleys and plains. Drawing upon the wondrous tales of J. R. R. Tolkien, the exhaustive research of Jorgen Spanuth, the Old Frisian manuscript known as the Oera Linda Book, the Aryan sagas of Ancient India and the esoteric writings of Julius Evola, Miguel Serrano, Viktor Rydberg and Stephen A. McNallen, the author adopts a speculative approach to this controversial topic and seeks to determine what lies behind the legends and the folklore surrounding what he describes as 'At-al-Land' and what others have called 'Atland' or 'Atlantis'. Wulf also examines an ancient figure known as Ingwe or Ing, the Divine Ancestor of the English Tribes, and suggests that the Anglo-Frisian / Northumbrian Rune-Row could be far older than we have been led to believe. Elsewhere, the links between the submersion of the consciousness, or ‘sinking’ of the Third Eye, is explained in relation to those lands which disappear from sight. Other subjects discussed in the book relate to the numerical significance between the legends of Thule-Hyperborea and At-al-land, and the importance of Ingwë as he appears in the Book of Lost Tales. Chapters include Revision of English History, Traces of Germania in Early Britain, Lost Symbols of the English, The Legends of Lost Lands, At-al-land and the Hale-Bopp Comet, Ingwe and At-at-land, The Four Hallows and the Graal Runes, The White Stone of Ingwe, The Ar-Kan Runes and At-al-land, The Sacred Mountain and the Fire Serpent, and finally Resurrection and the Rising of At-al-land. Once again, Wulf Ingessunu has excelled himself and the breathtaking scope of this remarkable study is a valuable contribution to the reclamation of our priceless folk-heritage. Edited by Troy Southgate.

BLACK Front Press is delighted to bring you an extensive and illuminating collection of work that first appeared in England's underground Wodenist publication, Sword of Wayland. Founded in 1998, WF promotes the authentic folk-religion of the English people and is a spiritual order committed to the awakening of the ancestral Saxon Nation. Sword of Wayland, one of two magazines produced by the group, was originally published during the 1980s when the WF's pioneers were still part of the Odinic Rite and the name was later revived. Containing a huge treasure trove of mystical, symbolic and practical wisdom, this book is sure to become a well-respected and valuable addition to the Wodenist oeuvre. It could also change your life. Chapters include The Woden Männerbund; The Cosmic War; Folk Customs of Kent: The Hooden Horse; Ten Years Ago: The Awakening of the White Dragon; Heathen Lore; The Sacred Centre & the Sound of Creation; England's Dreaming; Future of the English; The Faravahar; Saint George the Wolf's Head; Beowulf the Geat; Hama - Fire from Water; Galdor-Cræft; The Eðel-Project; The Aryan English; English Resistance; Preparing the Way for the Last Avatar; Woden's Folk: Our Work; The Primal Aryan Myth: The Dragon-Slaying; Wodenic Priest; Widukind; The Polar Tradition; Information Wars; The Problem with Wicca; The Wolf-Fury; King Raedwald & the Leader of the Wild Army; A Warning; Origin of the Martial Arts; The Hælweg; Parsifal: The Third Wave; The Reawakening; The Spiral; Beyond the Known Universe; The Awakening of the Valkyrie; Runic Postures; The Saxons in India; The Solar Path: Afterlife Ambitions in the Ancient World; Wodan id est Furor; Germania!; The Cosmic War; The English Warrior; He Who Returns; Idunn: the Goddess of Regeneration; and the special extended edition from Summer Finding 2015. Contributors include Wulf Ingessunu, Hamasson, Siegfrith, Wotan's Krieger, Siegmund, Offa Whitesun and Steed.

AFTER publishing a popular collection of articles from Sword of Wayland magazine, Black Front Press is now proud to present another selection of features from its esoteric sister-publication, Spear of Woden. Launched in 1998, around the same time that Woden's Folk was founded by Wulf Ingessunu, Spear of Woden has long served as an important contribution to the Germanic Heathen corpus and has built up a formidable reputation as one of the magazines at the very forefront of the English Wodenist revival. The book contains over sixty chapters and, in years to come, seekers of mystical wisdom will reflect on this remarkable collection of essays in the way that we presently look back to some of the great runic writings of the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries.

BORN in 1947, into a working-class family in Leicestershire, Wulf Ingessunu has risen to become the most prominent and well-respected figure in English Wodenism. Dealing with his early background in nationalism, as well as his ultimate disillusionment with party politics, this remarkable book describes the gradual awakening that led the author to embark upon a remarkable quest for self-discipline and personal refinement; both physically and intellectually. Travelling throughout the British Isles in search of ancient ruins and sacred sites, hungry for occult wisdom, Wulf first became involved with the Odinic Rite and then went on to unearth the mystical knowledge which, in 1998, eventually led him to found Woden's Folk. This is a tale of idealism and comradeship, militancy and martial arts, dreams and visions, runes and rituals. The book includes a full index.

Black Front Press is proud to present a second volume from someone who has perhaps done more than any other to advance our historical and linguistic research into North European spirituality from a decidedly Anglo-Saxon outlook. Beginning with a detailed analysis of the thirty-three runes of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, including their definitional and etymological significance, the author sets out the foundations of his unique system. A subsequent chapter examines the runes in light of their importance to the English Awakening, the mission said to be faced by all Woden initiates in their efforts to awaken the Folk to their divine destiny and, thus, help them evolve towards a higher state of consciousness. Wulf then deals with the Rune-Gealdor and seeks to unearth the primal sounds of the runes themselves, before moving on to address the nature of the Common Germanic Futhark and the twenty-four runes of which it is comprised. This process also involves a thorough-going examination of the actual origins of these sacred symbols, before moving on to provide an outline of the Aryan Roots that will enable the serious rune-worker to establish yet further meanings for the runes. Drawing upon the work of Miguel Serrano, as well as touching upon the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, the author then looks at the esoteric significance of the spinal column. Made up of 24 vertebrae broken into three sections of seven, twelve and five, it appears in the form of a serpent and can be linked to Mount Me-Ru (Meru), a name for the Holy Mountain of the North. Another fascinating chapter surrounds Wulf's discussion of the Graal Runes, the final three staves of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc (Calc, Stan and Gar) which are related to objects that occur in the Graal Legends: the Cup, the Stone and the Spear. The reader is also introduced to the six-pointed ‘Snowflake’ pattern known as the Hag-All, or All-Hag, representing the basic shape that can be found within the Nine Glory-Twigs and originating from an ancient glyph known as the Seed of Life. The author continues with an investigation into the secret of the ALU-ULA and its relation to Amergin's Cauldron of Poesy and the Three Cauldrons of Chinese lore; goes on to present the runic postures of a complex martial arts system known as the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag (Code of Arya), which seeks to utilise and build upon the Armanen Runes devised by Guido von List; and, finally, concludes his work with an outline of nine spiritual exercises that involve methods of controlled breathing and intense concentration. This well-researched and illuminating text is brought to you by one of Europe's most respected and prolific runologists.

AS a well-respected Heathen mystic and charismatic founder of Woden's Folk, Wulf is a man of many talents and has studied the Anglo-Saxon futhork for many years. In his own words: "Ours is a polytheistic faith with various gods and goddesses, and is based upon a Nature-Religion that upholds Natural Law, and a Warrior-Religion that upholds the concept of the Virile Male Warrior and the Männerbünde as the basis of recreating this archetype." Based in East Sussex, where he developed a strong affinity with the mysterious Long Man of Wilmington, Wulf is also a keen survivalist and champion of English identity. He has organised Wodenist camps, hikes and moots throughout the country, elaborating upon his belief that the English people are in desperate need of a dynamic folk-religion that is completely in tune with their own distinct values. Wulf has also formulated a new runic concept known as the "Ar-Kan Rune-Lag" system. Contents include The Mysteries of the Black Sun, The Divine Blood of the Solar Race, The Kosmic Krist, Land of the Hyperboreans, The Teutonic Männerbünde, Woden the Initiator, The Awakening of the Fire-Serpent, Wændel: The World-Turner, The Concept of an Avatar, The Mystery of the Fool, The Fylfot-Swastika, Fire & Flood, The Dawn of a New Age, The Coming of HelgiH, The Sun-Initiation, The Secret of Ing, Wulfingas: Sons of the Wolf, House of the Dragon, The ‘Messiah’, The Thief’s Way, The Wolf-God, Cycles of the Ages, The Resurrection of the Fool, The Aryan English, The Serpent-Slayer, The Dark Lord, The Island Dragons, The Sons of Ingwé, The Saxon Nation, The Legend of Manu, The Golden Age, The Woden Folk-Religion, The Seventh Sword, Wulf’s Prophecy, The White Dragon of the English, Wid-Ar the Avenger: The Coming God, The Vril, At-al-land, The Aryan Race, The Wolsunga Race, War of the Worlds, The Resurrection of the Arya, The Silent God, and The White Krist of Revelation. Black Front Press is very proud to have this opportunity to publish Wulf's writings for the first time and we hope they will receive the exposure they fully deserve.